The host of my site,, gives 12 Meg of free space to work with.  Currently there is no CGI allowed, and updating to reflect recent changes sometimes takes a few minutes, but generally this account has proved far more reliable than Angelfire ever did.  Thanks to Ashley Glennon of RTL for recommending Freeservers.

The tools I used ...
  FOR THE WEB PAGES:  Notepad.exe all the way, with an occasional touch-up on Freeservers' web-based text editor. Graphics were either stolen or created with  Paint Shop Pro 5.x/6.x.

  FOR THE MODEL IMAGES:  LEdit with a helping hand from L3P and then POVRay.

page & contents © 1999 through 2002 David Lindsey

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Immortus® is a trademark of MARVEL CHARACTERS, INC. and is used without permission. This site is not run or sponsored by MARVEL ENTERPRISES, INc.
